Calculations of Screening Values


SRS staff have assisted state agencies in updating and calculating screening values under a variety of programs.   SRS staff assisted with the re-development of WVDEP’s Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) and Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank (LAST) program in regard to development of soil screening standards.  The purpose was to develop updated soil screening standards that will allow efficient screening of sites through the LUST/LAST program, but still be health protective.  The proposed soil screening standards were developed primarily based on risk-based methods that are protective of both direct contact and vapor intrusion exposure pathways.  SRS staff had prepared a conceptual flow chart of steps that guides a remediator through the soil screening process and identified what limiting factors prevent the use of the proposed soil screening standards.  SRS staff have also assisted WVDEP with updating technical spreadsheets that were utilized to derive WVDEP regulatory screening values.


Risk Evaluation of Change in Property Use


Risk Evaluations for an Active Chemical Storage Facility