Target Organ Hazard Index Analysis

SRS staff have conducted a target organ hazard index analysis for an off-site construction worker and utility worker in the right-of-way of a road adjacent to a former automotive service station site in Pennsylvania.  In accordance with PADEP regulations, where several systemic toxicants affect the same target organ or act by the same method of toxicity, the hazard index may not exceed 1.  The total hazard index for the off-site construction and utility workers were above the PADEP benchmark of 1.  Therefore, a target organ hazard index analysis was completed.  The results showed that the total hazard index for each target organ for the off-site utility worker were below 1; however, the total hazard index for respiratory effects still exceeded 1 for the off-site construction worker.  As a result, site-specific cleanup goals were calculated for the off-site construction worker.


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